Sportsmanship, Rules & Regulations
Sportsmanship, Ethics, and Integrity
NFHS Sportsmanship Statement
Good sportsmanship is viewed by the National Federation of State High School Associations as a commitment to fair play, ethical behavior and integrity. In perception and practice, sportsmanship is defined as those qualities which are characterized by generosity and genuine concern for others. The ideals of sportsmanship apply equally to all activity disciplines. Individuals, regardless of their role in activities, are expected to be aware of their influence on the behavior of others and model good sportsmanship.
OHSAA Sportsmanship, Ethics, and Integity
As we prepare for the upcoming season, we wish to emphasize to each of you the importance of your leadership role in sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity. The professional manner in which officials, coaches, and parents conduct themselves prior to, during, and following a contest unquestionably impacts the behavior of others involved.
The OHSAA has joined the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) in its quest to improve sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity. We are involved in an ongoing campaign in every sport to do just that.
Understanding the rules of a high school sport is a shared responsibility of officials, coaches, players and parents. Know the rules, respect the game, and have a great season!